Eclipsys Blog: Exadata
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Exadata Exascale and What it Means for Your Oracle Workloads
Last week, Oracle Exadata Exascale was released, and it is one of the features that I have been most excited about in a while. I will be writing a couple of blogs around the..
ExaCC: Scale VM Cluster Exadata Usable Storage
Overview: With multiple VMs per Exadata Infrastructure feature release, you can scale up or down the following resources on the VM cluster: Local storage /u02. Scaling memory..
ExaCC: Create a Custom Database Software Image
Overview: ExaCC users patch and provision their Oracle Database Homes using standard Oracle-published images Oracle makes the major Oracle database versions with the last 4..
ZDM and How We Migrated to OCI in 6 Weeks
Migrating an on-premise database to the cloud within a limited timeframe can be a challenging endeavor. I had a highly educated client who put us to the challenge of migrating..