Eclipsys Blog: ExaCC
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EXACS: Creating an 11g Database Home
Introduction Oracle Exadata Cloud Service (ExaCS) historically supported Oracle Database 11g, but with recent updates, Oracle has phased out support for older database versions..
ExaCC: PDB Creation Fails with DBAAS-60074
In this blog post, I am going to describe a strange error when I was creating the new PDB in the existing CDB on ExaCC using dbaascli.
Exadata Exascale and What it Means for Your Oracle Workloads
Last week, Oracle Exadata Exascale was released, and it is one of the features that I have been most excited about in a while. I will be writing a couple of blogs around the..
ExaCC: Scale VM Cluster Exadata Usable Storage
Overview: With multiple VMs per Exadata Infrastructure feature release, you can scale up or down the following resources on the VM cluster: Local storage /u02. Scaling memory..
ExaCC: Scale VM Cluster Local Storage Size
Overview: With multiple VMs per Exadata Infrastructure feature release, you can scale up or down the following resources on the VM cluster: Local storage /u02. Scaling memory..
ExaCC: Create a Custom Database Software Image
Overview: ExaCC users patch and provision their Oracle Database Homes using standard Oracle-published images Oracle makes the major Oracle database versions with the last 4..
ExaCC: Patch Virtual Machine (VM) Cluster OS Image
Overview: Oracle is responsible for performing patches and updates to EXACC infrastructure every quarter (there is no patch in Dec). That includes: Physical Compute Modes (Dom0)..
ExaCC: Patch Virtual Machine Cluster Grid Infrastructure
Oracle is responsible for performing patches and updates to ExaCC infrastructure every quarter (there is no patch in Dec). That includes: Physical Compute Nodes (Dom0) Network..
How to Delete Non-CDB or 11g Database or 11g DB Home from ExaCC
Objective: How to delete/remove Non-CDB or 11g database or database home from ExaCC
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