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The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform Application Services Comparison

Kosseila Hd Jan 14, 2022 9:30:00 AM
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform Application Services Comparison – Eclipsys


The common trend for cloud providers is to compare their services/offers with AWS (Amazon Web Services – even AWS itself does it when releasing new features). But it seems that the top 3 reached a sort of agreement where they only acknowledge their respective direct competition and dismiss any player outside this oligopoly. The OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) or AliCloud being more than underdogs deserve a bit more respect when comparing options available out there in the Cloud. That’s why I decided to extend an application services comparison to Oracle Cloud so we can have a broader view of what each one offers.

Why compare application platforms?

There are so many ways of designing, building, and deploying an application in the cloud nowadays, whether it’s cloud native-like docker container services, K8, and Faas, or just shift and lift migrations. I almost feel bad for the software developers because there are way too many options that can generate a huge tech debt. Instead of asking which fancy technology to use next, the real question is which one will fit the company’s requirements.

Today, I chose to zoom in on the app services that are here to ease the life of dev teams.

What’s in the comparison

  •  I took the full list of services from GCP service comparison page and selected the ones related to apps
  • Then I tried to cross-reference the tools and services with what’s available in Oracle Cloud (OCI)
  • This might need updates in the future but it’s a good start

The below table can help visualize which service is available and its equivalent in each of the 4 major Cloud providers.


Cloud Services Comparisons


Text version 

Compare OCI, AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud App Services

Service type Description GCP Offering AWS Offering Azure Offering Oracle Cloud Offering
PaaS Build highly scalable applications on a fully managed serverless platform. App Engine AWS Elastic Beanstalk Azure App Service Oracle Application Container Cloud ServiceJava Cloud Service
Containers without infrastructure Develop and deploy scalable containerized apps on a fully managed serverless platform. Cloud Run AWS FargateAWS LambdaAWS App Runner Azure Container Instances Oracle Application Container Cloud Service
Multi-cloud app platform that extends GCP to on-prem or other cloud assets so you can modernize applications faster and keep consistency Anthos AWS Outposts App Modernization with Microsoft Azure, Azure Arc Oracle Exadata Cloud@CustomerOracle Roving Edge Infrastructure
CI/CD Build, test, and deploy on GCP serverless CI/CD platform Cloud Build AWS CodeBuildAWS CodeDeployAWS CodePipeline Azure DevOpsGitHub Enterprise OCI DevOps , Oracle Visual Builder Studio
FaaS (The function as a Service) Run code on a scalable serverless platform (Pay Per 100ms) Cloud Functions AWS Lambda Azure Functions Serverless Compute Oracle Functions
Containers orchestration managed Kubernetes service Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Azure Kubernetes Service OKE



Although having a lot of choices is generally good, developers and practitioners need to know how every product compares to the competition including the top 5 players. Especially when the company has already adopted the Multi-cloud strategy. Hope this small table helped.  

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