RMAN, Incarnations, and ME Part II: Recovery ignoring backups / ORA-19563: Datafile copy header validation failed for file
In an ideal world, I believe, every backup script should be matched by 2 recovery scenarios. As this swiss OUC figure reminds us, having a backup that works means nothing without a tested restore and recovery. Today I’ll try to depict the don’t do’s after recovery of a Controlfile with open resetlogs using RMAN (Oracle Recovery Manager). Although some scenarios were a bit extreme, I still found some weird behavior from RMAN and I had to figure out a workaround on my own to complete the database recovery after a new incarnation was created.
The Backup
Before heading to the recovery scenarios, I’ll describe how & what kind of backups were running before this exercise.
Oracle 19c CDB with 2 user PDBs and archive logging enabled. OS: Windows server -
The backup Script:
It’s a 19c CDB backed up using Image copies and incremental backups that will be merged with the copies every 4 days (recover copy Until time sysdate-3 days). -
Below is a sample of the script with dummy paths & shorter retention (sysdate-1) but it’s very similar.

2. The recovery scenarios
Remember to always record the DBID of the database
In order to fully assess my backups, I first choose to try the easy recovery scenarios
Data File Recovery PDB level ✔
User datafile Drop and recover
PDB System tablespace drops and recovers (CDB needs to be an amount state).
Data File Recovery CDB level ✔
ROOT container system tablespace drop and recover
Loss of spfile in CDB ✔
Startup NoMount> Recover Spfile from Autobackup> shutdown immediate> startup
Note: PDBs don’t have spfiles, it’s all stored in PDB_SPFILE$.
2.2 Control file recovery issues
Restoring/recovering the Controlfile will require Open resetlogs no matter if the redo logs or datafiles are still valid. Open Resetlogs means a new Incarnation which brings me to the following questions
Incarnation Questions
Will the backup cycle be broken after the recovery of a control file and a new incarnation?
What happens when the subsequent incremental backup is merged with the DB copies in 4 days?
The copy pointing to the old incarnation number will be merged with an incremental pointing to the new one, does that make the backup invalid?
Could we switch back to the previous incarnation after recovery and trick RMAN by still running daily incremental backups and old image copies merged with new incremental backups?
3. First Controlfile recovery
- I found out that the recovery of the control file was already complaining. A valid system data file had to be restored and DB recovered so it can be opened in resetlogs mode, which was odd.
FOR DEVICE TYPE DISK TO '\\backup$\D_controlfile_%F';
RMAN> ALTER DATABASE MOUNT; RMAN> ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS; ----------------------- bug ??--------------------------------
ORA-01194: file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent
RMAN> restore datafile 1;
Finished restore
RMAN> recover datafile 1;
RMAN-03002: failure of recover command at 09/20/2021 14:32:55
RMAN-06067: RECOVER DATABASE required with a backup or created control file
I did a recover database :
Finished recover
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;
Statement processed
RMAN> list incarnation ;
DB Key Inc Key DB Name DB ID STATUS Reset SCN Reset Time
------- ------- -------- ------------ ------- ---------- ---------------------
1 1 CDBDEV2 670048894 PARENT 1 28-oct-2020 20:45:50
2 2 CDBDEV2 670048894 CURRENT 17463165117 20-sep-2021 14:51:59
Now we have a new incarnation after resetlogs startup. I know anytime a resetlogs happens, a new backup is required but I still can’t answer my questions about the impact on the backup cycle & the next database copies merge.
So I came up with a bold theory where reverting to incarnation 1 will allow merging copies with the backups. It was stupid but I wanted to try since it was a clone environment. “can’t learn if you don’t break”
My crazy scenario (don’t do this at home)
1. Incarnation was reverted to 1 right before the evening backup.
2. Next morning I dropped the tablespace system data file and wanted to recover it =“Epic fail”.
RMAN> run { restore tablespace system; recover tablespace system;}
Finished recover at 21-sep-2021 14:52:17
RMAN> alter database open;
ORA-01589: must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open
RMAN> alter database open noresetlogs;
ORA-01588: must use RESETLOGS option for database open
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;
ORA-01190: control file or data file 3 is from before the last RESETLOGS
ORA-01110: data file 3: 'D:\ORACLE\CDB\**\ORADATA\SYSAUX01.DBF'
RMAN> validate database root;
List of Datafiles
File Status Marked Corrupt Empty Blocks Blocks Examined High SCN
---- ------ -------------- ------------ --------------- ----------
1 OK 0 6788 68480 17463164895 File Name: D:\ORACLE\CDB\**\SYSTEM01.DBF -- Same with all CDB files
RMAN> restore datafile 3;
RMAN> recover datafile 3;
channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:03
RMAN-06067: RECOVER DATABASE required with a backup or created control file
-- Try full Database Recovery
RMAN> recover database;
ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
ORA-19912: cannot recover to target incarnation 2
RMAN> reset database to incarnation 1;
RMAN> run {
set until SCN 17463165116; # last RESETLOG SCN -1
restore database;
recover database;
RMAN-03002: failure of recover command at 09/22/2021 10:50:50
ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
RMAN-11003: failure during parse/execution of SQL statement:
alter database recover if needed start until cancel
ORA-16433: The database or pluggable database must be opened in read/write mode.
Error from the alert.log:
…ORA-01190: control file or data file 1745 is from before the last RESETLOGS
ORA-01110: data file 1745: 'K:\ORACLE\DATA\PTRPTS_DF_3.DBF'
I checked the header value of the data files and confirmed some files weren’t completely recovered
SELECT FHTHR Thread, FHRBA_SEQ Sequence, count(1) --,fhsta STATUS
order by FHTHR, FHRBA_SEQ;
THREAD SEQUENCE COUNT(1) ------- ---------- --------
1 26 4
1 5724 803
SQL> SELECT 'ROOT' con_name,status,checkpoint_change#,checkpoint_time,
resetlogs_change#, resetlogs_time, count(*), fuzzy,h.con_id
from v$datafile_header h
where h.con_id=1
Group by status,checkpoint_change#,checkpoint_time,
resetlogs_change#,resetlogs_time, fuzzy,h.con_id
SELECT p.name,status,checkpoint_change#,checkpoint_time,
resetlogs_change#, resetlogs_time, count(*), fuzzy,h.con_id
from v$datafile_header h, v$pdbs p
where h.con_id=p.con_id
Group by p.name, status,checkpoint_change#,checkpoint_time,
resetlogs_change# ,resetlogs_time, fuzzy,h.con_id
order by con_id;
---------- ------- ------------------- -------------------- ----------------- -------------------- -------- ---- ------- --------------
ROOT ONLINE 17463165116 20-SEP-2021 14:09:03 1 28-OCT-2020 20:45:50 4 NO 1
PDB$SEED ONLINE 1630255 29-OCT-2020 19:06:11 1 28-OCT-2020 20:45:50 4 NO 2
FSDEMO ONLINE 17463165116 20-SEP-2021 14:09:03 1 28-OCT-2020 20:45:50 194 NO 3
FS_PDB OFFLINE 17463164868 20-SEP-2021 14:07:51 1 28-OCT-2020 20:45:50 605 No 4
Down the rabbit hole
Things went from bad to worse the more I tried to recover the DB and RPO prior to the last resetlogs.
I want to just remind few points before I end this long-end endless scourge.
Controlfile recovery from the Sep 19th auto-backup corresponding to the last resetlogs has
New Incarnation key: 2
SCN 17463165117 – Seq 5727
Time 20-sep-2021 14:51:59
Previous Incarnation key: 1
Time 28-oct-2020 20:45:50
I reverted the incarnation to key 1 which was absurd in hindsight
Incremental backup kept running
Case 1: Recover from a new incarnation via manual Controlfile copy
luckily a copy of the initial Controlfile was kept aside so I decided to reuse it and try recovering
Restore the control file using a manual copy
RMAN> startup nomount force;
RMAN> restore controlfile from 'D:\Backup\19c\O1_MF_HSN45YNX_.CTL';
Starting restore at 23-sep-2021 17:11:09
Finished restore at 23-sep-2021 17:11:11
RECOVER the database
RMAN> alter database mount;
1. Using sequence before the LAST RESETLOGS
SQL> recover database until logseq 5728; -- Resetlogs seq +1
Starting recover at 23-sep-2021 17:26:35
Finished recover at 23-sep-2021 17:29:25
2. Using SCN before the LAST RESETLOGS
run {
set until scn 17463165116; -- Resetlogs SCN -1
recover database;
--- Check the new incarnation
RMAN> list incarnation;
List of Database Incarnations
DB Key Inc Key DB Name DB ID STATUS Reset SCN Reset Time
------- ------- -------- -------- -------- --------- -----------------
1 1 CDBDEV2 670048894 CURRENT 1 28-oct-2020 20:45
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;
Case 2: Recover from a new incarnation via auto backup
I wasn’t happy with the first/above recovery because in real life you will never have a Controlfile handy during a disaster. So I wiped out all the datafiles of the CDB and decided to recover all from scratch
That’s where RMAN started to ignore image copies that can’t even be cataloged (ghosted)
--- We need to recover the last controlfile: From September 21st
Piece Name: \\BACKUP$\.._C-670048894-20210920-01 21-sep-2021 19:38
RMAN> Startup nomount
RMAN> Restore controlfile from '\\BACKUP$\CDBDEV2_CONTROLFILE_C-670048894-20210920-01';
Finished restore at 23-sep-2021 17:11:11
ORA-19563: Recovery ERROR (ghosted backups)
Then a weird error “ORA-19563: datafile copy header validation failed” appeared upon recovery for several backup pieces as RMAN went blind ignoring image copies.
--- Recover database execution
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00053
Input datafile copy RECID=110503 STAMP=1083697667
file name=\\BACKUP$\CDB_DATA_D-CDBDEV2_I-670048894_TS-DPWORK_FNO-53_0VVU1DED
destination for restore of datafile 00053:
ORA-19563: datafile copy header validation failed for file
-->> Image copies are not visible to RMAN and can't even be cataloged.
RMAN> catalog start with '\\BACKUP$\CDB_DATA_D-CDBDEV2_I-670048894_TS-DPWORK_FNO-53_0VVU1DED';
searching for all files that match the pattern ..**FNO-53_0VVU1DED
No files found to be unknown to the database
Created a subfolder 21_backups in the backup location and copy all backups
Uncatalogued the old backup location and delete the files
Catalogued the new location (subfolder) containing the copy of all backups.
Launched a recovery of the database (target RPO Sep 21 14:51:59 )
move backup files to \\BACKUP$\21_backups
-- Catalog old backup location
-- catalog new backup location
915 files found
=== RECOVERY ====
RMAN> alter database mount;
RMAN> run
{ set until logseq 5728; -- last resetlogs seq +1
restore database ;
recover database ;
... applying incremental backups restore
starting media recovery
media recovery failed
===> incarnation 1 recovery is complete oracle wants more
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of recover command at 09/24/2021 17:51:34
ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
RMAN-11003: failure during parse/execution of SQL statement:
alter database recover if needed start until cancel using backup controlfile
ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
ORA-19912: cannot recover to target incarnation 1
RMAN> list incarnation;
DB Key Inc Key DB Name DB ID STATUS Reset SCN Reset Time
------- ------- ------ --------- ------- ------------ -------------------
1 1 CDBDEV2 670048894 CURRENT 1 28-oct-2020 20:45:50
3 3 CDBDEV2 670048894 ORPHAN 17463165117 23-sep-2021 17:50:38 2 2 CDBDEV2 670048894 ORPHAN 17463165117 20-sep-2021 14:51:59
–> target RPO = Inc key 2
ORA-19912 just confirms all is recovered up to incarnation #1,
Now we can just roll forward to Target RPO From incarnation key # 2
RMAN> reset database to incarnation 2;
RMAN> recover database ;
Finished recover at 24-sep-2021 18:18:34
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;
Statement processed
The RMAN lesson of the day can be taken off of a quote from THE WIRE “Omar :
“You come at the King? you best not miss”
That is, don’t mess with the Incarnation after a new reset log. Reverting to the previous Incarnation will just make things worse and the new incarnation rhymes with a new backup cycle.
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