Eclipsys Blog: Virtual Machine (2)
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OLVM Upgrade 4.4.8 – 4.4.10
OLVM (Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager) release 4.4 is based on the oVirt 4.4.0 through 4.4.10 release. Ovirt already released version 4.5, But Oracle is behind on releasing..
ODA: Virtualized – Database Upgrade (OAKCLI)
Oracle Database Appliance (ODA) virtualized eases the database upgrade process using oakcli orchestration utility. This tool became more stable after 19.8. All the ODA components..
OLVM – Disk State Stuck in Finalizing State
It’s essential to have a proper backup mechanism for virtualization infrastructure. Also, we need to test the backup and recovery method at least once in 3 months to validate that..
ExaCC: Scale Your VM Cluster Memory Using OCI CLI
This blog post will be a short one, but I think it is very useful when scaling your resources in an ExaCC Environment.
ExaCC: Create a VM Cluster Network using OCI CLI
This week I got a new Exadata Cloud@Customer X9-M quarter rack, and I thought it would be a good opportunity to showcase how to create a VM Cluster Network using OCI CLI. I am..
Azure VM Selection Made Easy: A Script Identifying Best Constrained CPU VMs for High Memory/Low CPU Workload
Introduction Are you struggling to find the most Cost-Effective Azure VMs for Database Workloads or any high memory low CPU workload? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll..
2nd Gen Oracle Cloud: The Next Generation of Cloud Technology
In recent years, Oracle has made significant investments in its cloud technology in an effort to become a leader in the industry. The company’s second generation of Oracle Cloud,..
Oracle Database Backup Directly on Microsoft Azure Cloud Blob Storage using RMAN
We were using the Oracle Database Backup on a managed disk directly connected to the Virtual Machine (VM), then copying over to other storage, but to keep a backup for even a..