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Oracle 23ai: True Cache
Introduction In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, speed is paramount. Users expect instant responses, and applications must seamlessly handle high traffic and demanding..
How to Configure Gen AI Service in Oracle APEX using Open AI
In this blog post, I will explain how we can configure the Gen AI service of Oracle APEX using the Open AI LLM model.
Oracle CloudWorld 2024: What to Expect Around Oracle 23ai
I’m so excited to share that I’ll be attending Oracle CloudWorld 2024 this year!. I’m thrilled as It will be my first OCW event to attend in person !!!.
Oracle 23ai: Lock Free Reservations Capability
Overview: In previous database releases when a column value of a row is updated by adding or subtracting from it, all other updates to that row are blocked until the transaction..
Oracle 23ai: Unrestricted Parallel DMLs
Overview: Oracle database allows DML statements to be executed in parallel mode by breaking the DML statements into exclusive smaller tasks. However, in releases prior to Oracle..
Set up DELTA (DB Endpoint Latency Testing Ammeter) to Test the Latency from a Windows System using venv to an Oracle Database
What is the DELTA? DELTA (DB Endpoint Latency Testing Ammeter) is a tool or framework designed to measure the latency of database endpoints. It is used to assess the performance..
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