Chanaka Yapa
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Exacs Database Creation Using dbaascli
Introduction OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) provides robust automation capabilities for routine maintenance tasks such as patching, creating database homes, and server OS..
Troubleshoot ODA Repo Issue
Introduction If you found previous blog posts helpful for addressing ODA upgrade issues on virtualization platforms, the following article will ease your journey toward the 19.8..
Oracle CloudWorld 2024 – AI
Introduction The world is transitioning from the data era to the age of artificial intelligence. Many organizations leverage AI features to gain a competitive edge and expand..
Oracle 23ai: True Cache
Introduction In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, speed is paramount. Users expect instant responses, and applications must seamlessly handle high traffic and demanding..
Maximizing Database Security: Unified Auditing Housekeeping Guide
Introduction Data is the new currency. It is one of the most valuable organizational assets, however, if that data is not well protected, it can quickly become a liability. At an..
Oracle Database 23ai: SQL Firewall – Part 2
Introduction We live in the data era, where every organization invests significant resources in securing its IT infrastructure. Protecting data is crucial because modern..
Measuring Storage Performance for Oracle Database
Introduction Storage vendors often provide extensive product performance data, but this information may not accurately predict how the storage will perform with an Oracle..
OCI Immutable Backup: Version Control
Introduction In today’s data-driven era, businesses leverage data analysis to seize opportunities and gain a competitive edge. This makes it crucial for organizations to have a..
Data Guard: RMAN-06571: Datafile 1430 Does Not Have Recoverable Copy
Introduction In the current data-driven era, businesses leverage data analysis to seize opportunities and gain a competitive edge. This makes it crucial for organizations to have..