Eclipsys Blog

Securing Your Oracle Database: Step-by-Step Guide to Configuring and Using DBSAT

Written by Amir Kordestani | Aug 30, 2024 4:45:00 PM


Oracle Database Security Assessment Tool (DBSAT) is a popular command-line tool that helps identify areas where your database configuration, operation, or implementation introduces risks and recommends changes and controls to mitigate those risks. This tool is essential for database administrators and security professionals who want to ensure their Oracle environments are protected against both internal and external threats.

DBSAT consists of three primary components: CollectorReporter, and Discoverer, each playing a crucial role in assessing and enhancing database security.

  1. The collector is the first step in the DBSAT process. It connects to the Oracle database and gathers critical security-related information. This includes details about users, roles, privileges, configuration settings, and more. The data collected is then stored in an encrypted file, ensuring that sensitive information is protected during the assessment process.
  2. The reporter takes the output from the Collector and generates comprehensive reports. These reports provide an in-depth analysis of the database's security posture, highlighting vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and areas that require attention. The Reporter component also offers prioritized recommendations for improving security, making it easier for administrators to address the most critical issues first. The Reporter outputs four reports in HTML, XLS, JSON, and Text formats.
  3. The discoverer is focused on identifying sensitive data within the database. It scans tables and columns to detect and classify sensitive information such as personally identifiable information (PII), financial data, and other critical assets. The Discoverer executes SQL queries against database dictionary views to discover sensitive data and outputs reports in HTML and CSV formats. 
  1. Prerequisites:

1.1.    Python: Make sure Python is installed on your system.

I checked that Python was installed on the OS.

[root@Eclipsys ~]# python -V Python 2.6.6

If Python isn't installed on the OS, we should install it using the following command.

[root@Mytest ~]# sudo yum install python3 OR [root@Mytest ~]# sudo dnf install python3


1.2.    Java: you need a Java 8 JDK,

I checked Java was installed on the OS

[root@Eclipsys ~]# java -version java version "1.8.0_172" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_172-b11) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.172-b11, mixed mode)

If Java wasn't installed on the OS, at first download for example jdk-8u202-linux-x64.tar.gz, then we should install it using the following commands.

[root@bill111 opt]# cd /opt/ [root@Mytest opt]# tar -xvf jdk-8u202-linux-x64.tar.gz [root@Mytest opt]# cd jdk1.8.0_202/ [root@Mytest jdk1.8.0_191]# pwd /opt/jdk1.8.0_202 [root@Mytest jdk1.8.0_202]# update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk1.8.0_202/bin/java 0 [root@Mytest jdk1.8.0_202]# update-alternatives --config java There is 1 program that provides 'java'. Selection Command ----------------------------------------------- *+ 1 /opt/jdk1.8.0_202/bin/java Enter to keep the current selection[+], or type selection number: 1 [root@Mytest jdk1.8.0_202]# java -version java version "1.8.0_202" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_202-b08) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.202-b08, mixed mode)


  1. Configure DBSAT on the Oracle Linux

2.1.    Create usr_dbsat: If you have a user with DBA privileges, you don’t need to create a new user. However, if you prefer to have a separate user for executing DBSAT, which is recommended, use the following commands to create the user and grant the necessary privileges.

create user usr_dbsat identified *****; grant select on sys.dba_users_with_defpwd to usr_dbsat; grant create session to usr_dbsat; grant select_catalog_role to usr_dbsat; grant select on sys.registry$history to usr_dbsat; grant select on audsys.aud$unified to usr_dbsat; grant audit_viewer to usr_dbsat; grant capture_admin to usr_dbsat;

NOTE: If you have a container database you should create this user in the container database you want to check using dbsat. In the following example, I had a container database on OCI DBCS. I connected to the target PDB and created the user.


2.2.    Create dbsat directory and extract the zip file in this directory

[oracle@Eclipsys dbsat]$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/dbsat/{output,temp} [oracle@Eclipsys dbsat]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/dbsat/ [oracle@Eclipsys dbsat]$ unzip [oracle@Eclipsys dbsat]$ ls dbsat dbsat.bat Discover jython-standalone-2.7.3.jar output sa.jar sat_collector.sql temp xlsxwriter


  1. Run the dbsat collect command.

It is recommended that the following be added to the tnsnames:ora file.

[oracle@Eclipsys dbsat]$ vi $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora myservice = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <host_ip>)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SID = <sid>) ) )

Now we can execute the collect command using the service name, database name, or PDB name if we have a container database.

[oracle@Eclipsys dbsat]export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8-oracle-x64/bin/java [oracle@Eclipsys dbsat]./dbsat collect usr_dbsat@myservice myservice_output


Here is the sample output of executing the above command.

  1. Execute dbsat report command. 

4.1. download the file, from Oracle Database Security Assessment Tool (DBSAT) (Doc ID 2138254.1)

[oracle@Eclipsys dbsat]$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8-oracle-x64 [oracle@Eclipsys dbsat]$ ./dbsat report myservice_output


Here is the sample output of executing the above command.

4.2.    Let's interpret the output:

At the beginning of the report, we have a summary that shows the number of high, medium, and low risks. DBSAT divides the database into several categories and checks the security assessment in each category. This can be observed in the 'Section' column of the table below.

In the subsequent sections of the report, we can see each high, medium, and low risk categorized separately. For example, we have a high risk in Network Encryption, which is a subsection of Network Configuration in our report.

In addition, the report includes another table that shows Security Features Utilized. This table highlights security best practices that are not implemented in our database (Currently used = NO), indicating gaps in those sections. Therefore, it is recommended to identify and implement these features to strengthen our security.


  1. Execute dbsat discoverer command.

To execute the Discoverer command, we first need to edit the dbsat.config file and add our database information, as shown in the following example, where I used ORACLE_SID as the service name

[oracle@Eclipsys dbsat]$ vi Discover/conf/dbsat.config #default is localhost DB_HOSTNAME = tms-oda1-nd1 ###use the servername #DB_PORT is the port at which the DBSAT tool needs to connect to #default is 1521 DB_PORT = 1521 #DB_SERVICE_NAME is the service Name for the DB, I used ORACLE_SID #use ORACLE_SID DB_SERVICE_NAME = sidHere is an example of executing the Discoverer command.