In this Gen AI world, companies are working hard to release the best LLM model, a few of them are OpenAI, Google, Meta, and anthropic.
Today I will show you how we can chat with our MySQL database using the OpenAI LLM model. You can use any other model as well, even use any open-source model.
So let’s start!
I have 2 files, .env and where I write my code. and .env where I specify the OpenAI key
pip install langchain langchain-community langchain-openai langchain_core langchain_chains
(here basically I set the AP key as an environment variable that points to my .env file)
This is how we connect to MySQL database with db_uri string where chinook is my database name.
Let’s create an SQL query from the user question.
Here I defined the LLM model
"create_sql_query_chain" function generate the SQL query using llm model and db schema as input
as you can see above it generates the SQL query.
here is you see I use the QuerySQLDataBaseTool class which used to execute queries on DB.
and then I create a chain that will invoke using user query and first generate query and then execute it and later I print the result. Here I have 8 employees at the employee table.
To do that I created a custom prompt for LLM to use which will take user questions, queries, and results/give answers.
and created another chain that will take the output from step 5.
Here I defined and initialized the custom prompt answer_prompt
and created a chain using RunnablePassthrough where we pass the user question.
first, assign save the SQL query into query variable and then second assign get the query and execute it and save the result into result variable.
and then we use the prompt(prompt now has the user question, query, and result) and pass it to the LLM model and StrOutputParser() saving the natural language output.
When I print the response, you can see the natural language output.