Eclipsys Blog

Best in Class – Eclipsys

Written by Christine Kivi | Dec 23, 2024 5:09:23 PM

In the dog world, the most prestigious award is “Best in Show”. This is awarded to a purebreed dog that is chosen as the overall winner of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. We will never be competing for this award – my dog is a mixed breed and a rescue at that. However, I think she is perfect – she brings some of the best qualities of different breeds together to make a companion that is fast, fun, strong, and photogenic. I think the same thing can be said about the cloud. Each of the cloud providers offers something “best in class” to customers. This is why choosing a multi-cloud approach is forward thinking strategic decision. A multi-cloud approach allows companies to choose the right industry best cloud for their workload.  Most companies – over 90% as reported by Forbes agree and the big cloud providers agree.

My good friend lays out 3 solid reasons for choosing a multi-cloud approach in his blog:

  1. Minimize Risks by depending on a Single Cloud Vendor
  2. Disaster Recovery
  3. Best in Class Technology

The recent announcement by Microsoft and Oracle is an example of how the big cloud providers are making this work, especially for customers who want the best option for their technology choices. This new Oracle Database Service for Microsoft Azure allows customers to create and manage Oracle Databases in OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) from Azure. Why is this significant? Well, this announcement extends the operability of the OCI-Azure interconnects a step further.  

The first benefit is that this service now allows you to manage your Oracle Databases from Microsoft Azure. If Azure is your cloud of choice and your team is familiar with the Azure interface, it will be easy to create and manage an Oracle Database that will run on OCI. Although Oracle Databases can be created and managed on all the major cloud providers – I think most will agree that the best place to run an Oracle Database is on OCI.  This new partnership allows that to happen – seamlessly. You can now easily integrate Azure AD for security and execute most management activities for the Oracle database. You can also monitor your Oracle environments directly from Azure. Observability provides insights into database metrics and actions.

I know there are concerns about the latency. How can you architect a well-performing solution where your application resides on one cloud and your database on another? Oracle and Microsoft claim a 2ms latency. In practice it is probably going to be slightly higher – customers need to run a proof of concept to determine the acceptable level of latency given this architecture and decide if it is worth it for their implementation. It is important to note that with this partnership there are no data egress or ingress charges when moving data between OCI and Azure. This is important for implementations where customers want the best analytics services in Azure with the best-in-class database services in OCI. This for me is where this solution can add real value for customers.

Interested in trying it out? My team will do it – at no charge – within reason. Just mention my fabulous blog writing skills and I would happily run a PoC for you and see if it fits your use case.